Coupons of Rock

Had a total of 12 plus myself to attend a beat down with Coupons. I wasn’t feeling all too well today after seeing the Doctor yesterday. So my goal was to help with form and to push the PAX to getting a good proper burn while using the right form.

The Thang.

I had 7 different stations

I had the group count off by 7’s to determine which station was their start point.

#1 (The Counter) was 5 station suicides with burpees at each cone. Once the group at this station completed this is what made the PAX move to the next station.

#2 Lateral Raises to Center. This was hard for most due to size of pavers being used. So it resulted in different various shoulder exercises. All focusing on the shoulders.

#3 Colt 45’s (lots of mumble chatter here) yes these pavers were larger than station #2. Just like the bicep curls of 21’s. This was a 15 repĀ  bicep curl count going from arms down to 90 degree angle with elbows in. Followed by another 15 rep curl from 90 degree to paver to chest. Then lastly 15 rep count full bicep curl. Hence the 45’s. Once you hit 45 you started back again till moving to next station

#4 Burp Merican. This was a Burpee that increased the number of Mericans per each rep. So your first Burpee when down in the Merican you completed one. Then the second Burp you did 2 Mericans, and so forth.

#5 Alligator Merican with Bear Crawls. You started out doing the Alligator Merican from point A to point B. Once you made it to point B you Bear Crawled back to point A. You continued this until moving to next station.

#6 Elf on the Shelf. You started with a paver on one side of you. Grab the paver on that side while keeping it on that side basically made a rainbow motion brining paver to other side. Touching the ground, then bring back.

#7 Center Chest Raise. Grab paver in hands with palms/wrist facing up. With elbows locked go from waist to 90 degree angle (Shoulder/chest height) straight out. Squeeze then slow let down. working the lower chest.

The PAX completed the first round. I had them circle up around me and had Story time. I talked about my past a little and about what the past can do to you. Give you excuses, push you, or hurt you. That you shouldn’t use the past to determine your failures but use it to better you and make you a better person. Push you. After the short talk I sent them for round 2. I hope that little bit helped because I didn’t hear as much mumble chatter and saw a different fire under all the guys out there. It was an honor to Q at the Poopdeck and share a little about myself.

Ended with COT.

TClap |

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